I’ll admit it, I am late to Twitter. I signed up a year ago and didn’t know what to do with it. It felt weird and truthfully I just didn’t think I was interesting enough to participate (I’m probably not but I can pretend, can’t I?). So here I am a year later with two Twitter accounts, one business and one for personal. First off, I’m having a hard time managing two accounts. Occasionally I tweet the wrong thing from the wrong account then I get followers where they (probably) don’t want to be.
So if you read my previous Twitter post and thought it was a pretty simple straight forward thing, read on and be prepared to be overwhelmed.
Twitter standalone applications (the ones I’ve had my hands on, just verifying info for this post I’ve stubled on 3 more apps without trying, arggghhh):
Eventbox:: This was my first application I purchased to manage some of my Social Networking. It handles FaceBook, RSS, Twitter and a few others. I like having FaceBook, Twitter and my RSS feeds in one convenient place. It’s still in Beta and cost $15. They have some bugs and limitations. My biggest problem with it right now is that it only supports a single Twitter account.
TweetDeck:: First off, it’s free! Sadly it still only allows you to monitor a single Twitter account as well. So what’s a geek to do? You put one account in Eventbox and one in TweetDeck.
Tweetie:: This is my desktop client of choice! You can use it for free and it has some very nice looking ads. If you would rather not have the ads you can pay $19.95 and register it. I’m not opposed to paying for it as I love to support the hard working developers but I click on these ads all the time. They seem to be mostly Mac related things. At this point I think my clicking the ads might be bringing them advertising.
Web based helpy helpertons:
Tweetlater.com:: I like their services. Sometimes I come across a bunch of Mac news that I want to tweet. I however don’t want to come across as a TwitterSpaz so I can go to tweetlater.com and schedule some of my tweets to post a bit later. It also has a nice feature that allows me to do an email digest on keywords. For example I can set it up to track all the tweets with the word Apple in it. I get to know all about Apple news, rumors, gripes, fanboys and occasionally people who like to eat or drink them in some form or another. It’s a nice way to see others who love what I do. If you are Twittering for business you can put in your company name and relevant topics.
wefollow.com:: This is a Twitter directory. It allows you to register your twitter logon with hash tags to group you into categories. I don’t entirely understand what is going on with it but I know I chose to be registered under #Apple, #Mac and #tech. I think I should have done something more custom like #girltech, #macgeek or something extra fancy like that.
hootsuite.com:: This was turned onto me by @Anaheim_OC. It’s a website that allows you to monitor multiple accounts and how many clicks your links are getting. You have to use their “Hootlet” to compress your links to enable them to track your stats. I find the interface very nice and it makes it VERY clear which account I’m using to send my current Tweet from. You can also choose to send the same tweet to both accounts at the same time (can you say SPAM?!).
localtweeps.com:: You can register yourself by zipcode. Kind of cool for someone like me who offers a service in a certain area. I’m sure there’s other uses for it too… like cruising ;-)
FaceBook.com Twitter addons:
Twitter on Facebook:: Make a Tweet and have it update your FaceBook page at the same time. This can be boring for some of your friends if they are connected to you in both places or even odd as Facebook likes to post things with your name in front of them.
Selective Twitter Status:: I just changed my FaceBook updating abilities to this today. So now my FaceBook will only update from a tweet if I add the hashtag #fb to the end of it. Sometimes I like to tweet random musings that I don’t necessarily want to update my FaceBook with. I’m really liking this option. You also have the option of updating a page. In my case I have what is pretty much a personal account for facebook but I made a mac-fusion page, I can have my best Mac tidbits selectively update that page.
So these are just the things I have actively tried to get my head around. I haven’t even searched any out but I know there’s so much more. Can you see why I’m in the Twitter hole? If you have any suggestions for Twitter things to stuff into my tiny head please leave me a comment below or tweet me @MacfusionGirl